My name is Maiko. I’m a Licensed massage therapist and Certified Manual lymphatic drainage practitioner on this beautiful Big Island of Hawai’i.
Maiko was born and raised in Japan and moved to the East Coast in the US to study Design in college.
After working multiple fields of jobs, she came across Hawaii’s self-healing method, “Ho’oponopono.” In search of a sustainable lifestyle, she was led to be on the Big Island and learn about farming, medicinal plants, lomilomi, and healing, which is where she is today.
“I have been very aware of my own sensitivity toward other people’s emotions or feelings since I was a teenager. Sensitive to fluorescent Light, noise, crowd, etc.. it was hard to live in a way.
During my life journey, experiences, and study of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Psychology and becoming a bodyworker, I am now very grateful to accept who I am and be able to provide healing work to others.
My study will never end and I am so excited to keep learning and spreading the healing energy who are willing to receive.
Through bodywork, I am grateful to see people change, reconnect, and return to a state of well-balanced condition.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Mahalo nui for come visit this page.
About practitioner
- M Botánica Hawai’i -
The name “Botánica” is in Spanish, translates as “Botany” or “Plant Store” and functions as a dispensary of health care, providing access to power: power from the natural world, the social world, and the world of the spirits, a site of healing and support, they are a "place of mysteries”.
M Botánica Hawai’i is named after the owner’s initial M (Maiko) with a place of healing and support.
私が施術するマッサージセラピーは主に東洋/西洋のスタイルを統合した 幅広いスタイルでそれぞれの身体・体調に合わせて行なっております。
– セラピューティックマッサージ
– リンパドレナージュ
– クラニオセイクラル(頭蓋仙骨療法)
– 指圧
– ディープティシューセラピー
– スウェディッシュマッサージ
– 産前・産後マッサージ
– エネルギーヒーリング
– リフレクソロジー
– ホットストーン
– フェイシャルマッサージもリクエストによりご提供いたします。
その後デザインや外資の会社勤務をしたのちに、ハワイのセルフヒーリング メソッド、 ”ホ・オポノポノ”に出会った縁から、サステイナブルな暮らしを求め、ハワイでファーミングする事をきっかけにハワイ島に移住、現在に至ります。
大自然に囲まれたこの緩やかなヒロの町に暮らせることに毎日感謝をし、エネルギーワーク、 サーフィン等 毎日の生活に取り入れクレンズと癒しの日々を送れるよう心がけています。